Delivering individualized, motivating, and effective therapy for children of all ages
Simply Therapy provides comprehensive assessments and individualized treatment to address the unique speech, language, feeding, and myofunctional needs for children of all ages. Every therapy session is specifically planned for each child's goals, abilities, and preferences. Our therapists combine evidence-based therapy approaches with games, crafts, puzzles, imaginary play, and other developmentally appropriate activities to keep our clients engaged and having fun. We always invite our families to be active participants in the therapeutic process and ensure every family feels supported, understood, valued, and empowered.
At Simply Therapy, we also offer staff training for preschools, daycares, and parent groups. Contact us if you would like to learn more!

Our team of experienced speech therapists treats a wide variety of disorders and diagnoses, including:
Articulation disorders
Phonological delays and disorders
Childhood apraxia of speech
Receptive and expressive language impairments
Social communication delays and disorders
Developmental delays
Autism spectrum disorder
Feeding disorders in infancy
Feeding disorders in childhood
Dysphagia/swallowing disorders
Orofacial myofunctional disorders​
Tongue ties and lip ties
Down syndrome
Cerebral palsy
Traumatic brain injury and stroke

Evaluations & Therapy
We begin with an evaluation to develop an understanding of your child’s unique communication challenges and skills. Through a combination of parent interview, observation, and standardized assessments, we are able to determine the underlying cause of your child’s presenting speech challenges. Following the evaluation, we will collaborate to develop a treatment plan focused on developing functional communication skills in a fun and exciting way. At Simply Therapy, our team of speech therapists focuses on the whole child, building each child’s confidence in their ability to communicate wants, needs, ideas, and more!
Our team also provides therapy for children with complex communication needs who benefit from the use of assistive technology or augmentative and alternative communication (AAC).
As every child is unique, so is their speech development. Signs of a speech disorder are based on developmental milestones and a child's age. Below are some signs of a speech delay or disorder; however, this is not an exhaustive list, so please contact our office if you have concerns about your child's communication.
Limited words and verbal communication
Frustration at not being understood
Speech that is difficult to understand
Trouble saying certain sounds or sound combinations
Leaving sounds off the beginning or ends of words
Limited inventory of vowels or consonants
Substituting one sound for another
Inconsistency producing certain sounds
Difficulty with motor-planning for speech
Abnormal rhythm or rate of speech
Disfluent speech/stuttering​​​​
Lisps or sound distortions
Evaluations & Therapy
At Simply Therapy, we will begin with an assessment of both receptive and expressive language skills, allowing us to develop a comprehensive picture of what your child understands and what he/she can express. Following the evaluation, we will collaborate to develop a treatment plan focused on building language skills for functional, social, and academic communication. Using games and activities that align with your child’s interests, our therapists will ensure your child is motivated and engaged in the learning process.

As every child is unique, so is their receptive and expressive language development. Signs of a language disorder are based on developmental milestones and vary greatly depending on a child's age. As a child enters school, language impairments can also show up in reading, writing, and math (any subject that relies on language to learn). Below are some signs of a language delay or disorder; however, this is not an exhaustive list, so please contact our office if you have concerns about your child's communication.
Limited vocabulary in comparison to same-aged peers
Difficulty engaging in a back-and-forth conversation
Using gestures, crying, or physical manipulation rather than words
Difficulty understanding and following directions
Using rote phrases in place of spontaneous language
Limited ability to answer questions appropriately
Difficulty engaging with same-aged peers
Limited responsiveness to their name being called ​
Difficulty stringing words together in the correct order
Challenges with verb tenses, pronouns, and other grammatical concepts​
Difficulty retelling a story or describing something in detail
Evaluations & Therapy
Our feeding specialists begin with an evaluation to determine if your child is having trouble eating due to oral-motor issues, structural abnormalities, sensory concerns, or a combination. The results of the evaluation, along with your child's medical and developmental history and family values, are used to develop a personalized treatment plan and feeding goals. Our therapists will then combine evidence-based approaches with parent coaching and home programs to ensure we are addressing the whole child. Throughout our therapeutic journey, our team will provide ongoing training to help families feel confident to continue practice and food exploration at home.

Children from infancy to school-age can experience challenges related to feeding and swallowing. Some signs your child may benefit from a feeding or swallowing evaluation are listed below. Due to the sensitive nature of feeding and swallowing disorders, we always recommend consulting with your primary care physician first. Please contact us if you have concerns about your child's feeding and swallowing.
Prematurity, low weight gain, diagnosis of failure to thrive​
Prolonged feedings or mealtimes
Coughing, choking, watery eyes, and/or vomiting during or after eating
Congestion (chest or nasal in nature), noisy or wet vocal quality, frequent respiratory illness
Arching of the back, breathing difficulties, and/or decreased responsiveness while eating​​
Difficulty chewing and/or swallowing certain food textures
Avoiding foods due to texture, color, and/or smell
Difficult behaviors at mealtime, food refusal
Restrictive diet/eating only a limited list of foods
Refusing foods that were previously tolerated or enjoyed
Oral-motor delays related to neurological diagnoses such as Cerebral Palsy or stroke
Oral aversion due to prolonged tube feedings

Evaluations & Therapy
Our infant feeding specialists begin with a comprehensive oral motor exam and functional skills assessment to determine the source of your child’s difficulty breast and/or bottle feeding. The results of the evaluation, along with your child's medical and developmental history and family values, are used to develop a personalized treatment plan. Our therapists will collaborate with other medical providers (i.e.Pediatrician, IBCLC, DDS, ENT, Dietitian, etc.) to ensure we are addressing the feeding needs of the child and parent/caregiver. Parent/caregiver education and support will be provided throughout our therapeutic process, so parents feel empowered and confident in continuing safe and effective feeding at home.
Breastfeeding difficulties associated with painful, shallow, or inadequate latch
Difficulty with coordination of suck or remaining on breast
Low breastmilk supply OR difficulties with never feeling empty/engorgement/mastitis
Bottle feeding difficulties including bottle refusal, flow management, clicking, dribbling of milk
Prolonged feedings (30+ minutes) or difficulty staying awake for feeds
Gagging, reflux, excessive spit-up, and/or vomiting during or after feeds
Coughing/choking, audible hard swallows/gulping, watery eyes
Confirmed or suspected lip-tie or tongue-tie
Noisy or wet vocal quality, chest or nasal congestion, frequent respiratory illness
Arching of the back, breathing difficulties including high pitched breathing/stridor, and/or decreased responsiveness during or after feeds
Prematurity, low weight gain, diagnosis of failure to thrive
Oral-motor delays or difficulties related to neurological diagnoses such as Cerebral Palsy or stroke
Oral aversion due to medical interventions such as oxygen or tube feedings
Difficulty with tummy time or delay in other motor milestones
Evaluations & Therapy
We provide orofacial myofunctional assessments and evidence-based treatment to target the complex nature of myofunctional disorders, including tongue-ties, which can impact dentition, facial growth, tongue posture, breathing, as well as speech and feeding development. Our trained therapists provide exercises and a thorough home program to increase oral awareness, lingual tone, lingual range of motion, and promote nasal breathing. We work alongside other professionals such as your dentist, orthodontist, pediatrician, and ENT to achieve the optimal outcome.
Myofunctional therapy and evaluations are offered to children, teens, and adults.

Orofacial myofunctional disorders (OMD) commonly present with one or more of the symptoms listed below. If you or your child are experiencing any of the signs/symptoms of an OMD, has a tongue-tie or recent frenotomy, contact our office to learn more about the benefits of myofunctional therapy. Common signs of an orofacial myofunctional disorder include:
Mouth breathing and poor lip seal
Prolonged chewing, tongue thrust during swallow
High, narrow palate​
Open bite, front teeth that stick out
Orthodontic concerns and orthodontic relapse
Tongue-tie and/or lip-tie
Oral habits such as thumb sucking, tongue sucking, nail-biting
Prolonged pacifier or sippy cup use
Teeth grinding and/or jaw tension​
ADHD-like symptoms (tired but wired)
Dark circles, venous pooling under eyes
Poor sleep behaviors such as restless sleep, frequent wakings, prolonged bed wetting, or snoring
Flaccid lips and cheeks
Long or asymmetrical face
Stubborn articulation disorders, often with the S, R, and L sounds, that have not responded to traditional therapeutic approaches​
Frontal or lateral lisp
We provide comprehensive assessment and remediation of the functional impacts of tethered oral tissues, including tongue-ties and lip-ties for infants and children of all ages. Our therapists will assess overall oral structure and function, speech sound production, and basic feeding skills in addition to screening related areas such as breathing and sleep to assist in determining if oral restriction may be a contributing factor in your child’s development. We collaborate with other members of the care team, including but not limited to pediatric dentists, orthodontists, ENTs, and pediatricians, to create an individualized plan of care to address your child’s specific needs. If lip-tie or tongue-tie release (frenectomy) is recommended as part of this plan, we also provide skilled pre- and post-frenectomy support, including guidance on wound healing and neuromuscular re-education to optimize outcomes.